【Brilliant Cebu短期親子留学】の体験談のご紹介


【Brilliant Cebu短期親子留学】


Brilliant Cebuでは開校以来、各業界でご活躍されている方に沢山お越し頂いています。


色々な形の留学があるのもBrilliant Cebuの特徴ですね!

→ https://ryugaku.dmm.com/blog/3994/

→ http://www.brilliant-cebu.com/


Mr.Kan Takagi who is Japanese HIPHOP Legend has written an article with the title "If you have the ability to use English, you can do what you want to do and spread to the world"

Since the opening of Brilliant Cebu English Academy, we have many students who are already active in each industry.

This time it is the voice of Mr. Takagi who came in BCEA with his daughter that gives inspiration to the students.

BCEA has various courses that can cater the needs of the students in studying abroad.

Thank you!